**The final result to the 1st year is done with the average result of half-year change and year-change examination.
In each subject of class xi there are 6 tutorials half yearly and yearly exam and in total of 8 exam. Whereas in class xii there are 3 tutorials , pretest and test exam in total of 5 exams. A total of 13 exam in class xi and class xii.
- Each student must has to pass in each exam otherwise he or she can not participate next exam.
- All exam run according to academic calendar .
- Teaching rods through Tutorial and semester system.
- It is must be obtain 85% attendance to participate every exam.
- Result is evaluated by adding the average of 3 tutorials of 20% marks and marked obtained from subjective 80% marks.
- Pass marks for each subject is 33%.
- It is emphasized to additional subject like compulsory one.
- One can not participate next exam for failing to obtain pass marks in each subject.
**Pre-test exam is taken on the 2nd paper in each and every subjects.
**Test examination is taken on 1st as well as 2nd paper.