🎓 Important Notice: New courses available! Enroll now for the upcoming semester. 🎓 🎓 Our Mission : "To Give Qualitative Education", "To Build Up Character", "To Develop Basic Human Skill." Our Vision : "To Work For The Betterment Of The Nation As Well As Human Being."🎓
📄 চতুর্থ সেমিস্টারের স্থগিতকৃত পরীক্ষার পরিবর্তিত তারিখ সংক্রান্ত নোটিশ। - 13/02/2025

📄 শিক্ষক নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি (চুক্তিভিত্তিক)-২০২৫ - 10/02/2025

📄 ১১/০২/২৫ তারিখ বন্ধ সংক্রান্ত নোটিশ। - 10/02/2025

📄 একাদশ শ্রেণির ১ম সেমিস্টার পরীক্ষায় ফলাফল স্থগিতকৃত শিক্ষার্থীদের অভিভাবকদের সাক্ষাৎ সংক্রান্ত নোটিশ। - 06/02/2025

📄 চূড়ান্ত মডেল টেস্ট-(এসএসসি-২০২৫) এর সংশোধিত সময়সূচি। - 06/02/2025

📄 ০৩/০২/২৫ তারিখ বন্ধ সংক্রান্ত নোটিশ। - 02/02/2025

📄 ৪র্থ টিউটোরিয়াল-২০২৫ এর সংশোধিত সময়সূচি (একাদশ শ্রেণি) - 29/01/2025

📄 ২৮/০১/২৫ তারিখ বন্ধ সংক্রান্ত নোটিশ। - 27/01/2025

📄 স্কুল শাখার শিক্ষা সফর-২০২৫ এর বাস ভিত্তিক শিক্ষার্থীদের তালিকা। - 26/01/2025

📄 একাদশ শ্রেণির ক্লাসের সময়সূচি (দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির পরীক্ষা চলাকালীন)। - 26/01/2025

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About Us

BPATC School & College, situated within the surrounding of BPATC, is a prominent name in Education sector of the country. It is such an institution conducted by BPATC under the rules and regulations of BISE (Board of intermediate and Secondary Education) under the Education Ministry of Education of the peoples republic of Bangladesh. In 1988 this institution got the declaration of Education Board as a complete Higher Secondary School. ... The institution was selected as the best institution in 1998 because of its Bright as well as mentionable result. As a mark of success, the institution started its journey as a college with 107 students with the help of the then Governing Body. Since 2002, the students of this college are appearing at the HSC examination under Dhaka Board. The uninterrupted continuation of success of the institution is on the process with the help of BPATC. Dhaka Education Board gave permission to set up HSC Examination centre in 2004; the experienced teachers are engaged in teaching.

The basic principles of this institution are Education, Discipline peace and prosperity. The administrative activities are administered to make these principles successful. The discipline, the location, and beautiful atmosphere all these are the individual characteristics of the institution and for this reason it is different from any other institution. After leaving the hereditary stages the institution is now upgraded to an enriched college. In the college the students get the opportunity to study science, Humanities and Business studies. At present near about 800 students study in the college with due respect, Annual Milad Manfil, Annual Sports Competition and different types of cultural events and different kinds of national ceremonies are held in this institution. The students of this institution. became able to establish success in literary and cultural competition at thana and district level. It is to be mentioned that the institution got the privilege of attaining the championship in national debate competition in order to create expert human resource. With this end in view the institution maintains the rules of Board and takes up class test as well as other examination properly. We expect that by spreading education and by blooming the firm determination as well as human quality among the students. BPATC School & college will play an active role to create good citizens and national progress/ development.

Our Online Services

Course 1
Online Payments

Fees Collection by EFT (Sonali Payment Gateway): 100% Cashless Payment Received.
Sonali Bank Account, e Wallet Card: VISA, Master, Amex, Nexus
Mobile Banking:
Nagad Bkash Rocket Upay Cellfin Tap Ok wallet Meghna pay Tele Cash Islamic Wallet
Internet Banking:
MTB Southeast Meghna City Touch

Course 2
Online Result

Marks Entry, Auto Result Generation, Tabulation Sheets, Marks Sheet, Result Summary

Course 3
Online School Admission Form
Online School Admission
Online College Admission

School branch admission form can be collected from here. Also the final admission process of school and college branches can be completed through it.

Contact Us

Get in Touch

For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help you on your educational journey.

Address: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka.

Email: bpatcsc@gmail.com

Phone: (+88) 02-7747146

Important Link

Education Ministry

Dhaka Board


DG Office